Sunday, December 20, 2009

My little bro got married!!!

Yesterday, Matthew got married to a wonderful girl named Alexa. It was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to be able to help them celebrate such a wonderful day. Don't have much more to say than that! :) I am super proud of him and excited for them both as they embark on their new adventure as a family. They are going to have some wonderful years together!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Heated seat warmers

So, yesterday I had the lovely pleasure of running an 8K with Josh & Natalie. I always love to hang out with them because it seems like we are always laughing! Alright...... so, before the race begins, we go to the restroom. No one is leaving as we walk in. Remember that! So, Madison just built this new town square with a beautiful restroom. As I sit down, I notice how warm the seat is.... and I'm thinking- WOW, heated seat warmers. They went to some serious lengths to make sure the visitors are comfy. Who cares, I LOVE it! ;) So, when I step out of the stall- I ask Natalie how she enjoyed her seat warmer. Her response, what? I repeated. She said- there aren't seat warmers. This continues. Eventually, we head back to the restroom immediately before the race begins....... guess what?! No seat warmers!!! Only me.
Anyway, the above pic is of the three of us right after the race!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holidays are here.....

Well, when the holiday season started I noticed I was feeling something I've never before felt. I was a scrooge!! I didn't care whether or not the season came and I just wanted it to hurry past. I've put up NO decorations- and to be quite honest, didn't plan on doing anything at my house. If you know me well, my favorite time of year is from Thanksgiving until New Years!! I LIVE for that time. I know, I've been through alot, as people are so swift to point out....... but still!!!

SO, yesterday was the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. I do believe I cried through almost ALL of it!!! My amazing wonderful friend sitting next to me leaned over in the middle and said "it IS dusty in here". Haha, how did I get such wonderful understanding friends?! Anyway, I really needed to hear the words that were spoken- about how this season is about Christ. Well, to continue that thought- I got my ensign today. I opened it and decided to read a little in between classes. Let's just say- another reality check. This isn't a depressing holiday season- even when you've gone through a divorce and have no idea where your life is headed! This is a season of light and direction. It's a season of pure love and wonderful families! It's a season when we have the opportunity to serve others and really get a small taste of what eternity will be. I am not alone- nor will I ever be. I am getting blessed with an even larger family than I was blessed with when I started this mortal life! AND- I get to be with them for eternity. So, even though I am single- I will never be alone, as long as we all make the choices that lead us closer to our Father in Heaven. So, now- I can say, without any hesitation, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Here are some race pics

So, there are a couple! I just wanted to add some thoughts..... while I was out there jogging I was amazed at how impossible it seemed, just a year ago, that I would ever jog 13.1 miles! And yet, on race day, the miles and time just rushed by. Now, when people find out that I ran a half marathon they say- I could never do that. I just think to myself, you really could- it's all about your mental determination! At the end of the race, when you realize that you did that- all by yourself...... well, it's impossible to understand the emotions that came to me that day. I don't think any other day will be as special to me as the 2 hours and 38 minutes I spent running where a horrible civil war battle raged. I am excited to see where I am headed next in life and see what kind of race, running and just living, I will be a part of.
I am amazed, still, at the thought that I could accomplish a half marathon. It makes me think about how many other things I have said "I can't do that" to. Never again. :)

Well, Thanksgiving is fast approaching, so one last thought: I am so grateful for the love of all my family and friends throughout the years. I know I haven't always been the easiest person to love, yet they have always been there. :)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Race day came and went....

So, it's official!!! I am hooked on racing! I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED doing my half marathon in Chickamauga. It was gorgeous, thought provoking, and exhilarating. I don't have any pics of me from the actual race yet, but they will be coming soon. Next up- full marathon!!! WOOHOO! The picture above was while we were waiting for dinner, I decided to test out all the kid's things (train, merry go round, etc). And I casually invited my brothers (okay, I commanded them, but still....) to join in for a photo op! I'm such a wonderful sister!!! The weekend was amazing, and words can't describe how wonderful it was to have my daddy and brothers cheering me on! They really helped motivate me to run just a little further! Families are AMAZING!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Winds of change!

So, the past few weeks have been interesting. I am learning more about myself than I think I ever have. Haha, and let's just say- I'm quite boring! ;) Just kidding. But, last week was the best week I've had since everything happened. That being said- today........ something just feels different. Not sure what and I am excited to see what is going to happen. I am almost giddy this morning and that hasn't happened to me, who knows?! :) Ah, life! YEAH!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Little bit of me...

So, football season is going strong. (just wish the dawgs were!!) I bought season home tickets this year. Our first game of the season we lost, but last week- we won!! :) Yeah!
Unfortunately, I have to admit to an addiction- I LOVE college football.
So, the first picture is a little blurry, but you get the point! ;) The second pic is of a friend of mine in my branch. I go with a few members from the branch. It is so much fun!

Other than that, things are going pretty well. I seem to stay super busy. I just started a part time job. A member family in a ward here in Athens needed help with their family (a little of everything) two nights a week. So, I started that last week. I am really enjoying it. Haha, not hard- since I love kids! These kids are so much fun- I love getting paid to play!
School is going well. Not much to report there! I can't wait to graduate!!! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

And it begins....

I signed up last night to run a half marathon through Chickamauga battlefield. I am super excited!! I actually have a relative named James Beard who fought, died, and is buried there. So, that kind of makes it even more exciting to be able to run the fields he fought so hard on! And it looks like I may be running the Disney half marathon as well with my cousin's wife. That will be so much fun!

I also signed up to take a rock climbing class. I get to do it next tuesday night. Fun fun!!!

It's fun to start making plans for just me. I plan on staying single for quite a while. (Hopefully Heavenly Father feels the same!!!) I want to just enjoy being by myself and get to know myself again.
So, there's my excitement! :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's official!

Yesterday was the divorce hearing. Yes, I am officially Christina Norris, divorcee. Time for fun! :) Actually, it's just nice to know that it's all done. I can now move forward with my life, and not have to look back. I truly hope Jason finds the happiness he is looking for in this life, I'm just glad that I get the same opportunity. I am hoping to learn so much from this experience and hopefully be a much better person for it. I just wanted to let everyone know.....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So while I was home, Matthew showed me his slideshow of the pictures we took while we were in Waveland, Mississippi cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina. I forgot how completely devasted it was there!!! I am in awe at the amazing powers of nature and also the willingness of humans to help those who they don't even know. It's attests to the amazing power of our Heavenly Father!!! I am attaching it- for you all to enjoy. He did an incredible job and I am grateful that I have those memories.

"These difficult lessons teach us that man's extremity is God's opportunity, and if we will be humble and faithful, if we will be believing and not curse God for our problems, He can turn the unfair and inhumane and debilitating prisons of our lives into temples- or at least into a circumstance that can bring comfort and revelation, divine companionship and peace."
-Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Sorry all of my posts have been serious lately. I guess everything is starting to really sink in. And I just can't say how grateful I am to have the gospel back in my life.

Friday, August 14, 2009

New song

Well, as I sit here listening to my new cd, I have found my theme song. It's called "Details in The Fabric" by Jason Mraz. It says "Hold your own, know your name, and go your own way. Everything will be fine." To sum it up- just says that if your heart is broken- to continue in life and rebuild your life. And that everything will be fine!! Amen to that!

Take the jumps- is one of the last things it says..... I firmly believe that life is full of those. I am so grateful that we have that extra help. :) That is how I KNOW everything will be fine.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm rebelling...

Haha, so I am sure the name of this blog brought up some questions..... but here is how:
Jason was so stinking cheap, we never got new phones or bought movies, cds, etc.
1. My old phone was not accepting new texts, I would have to remove the battery and restart the stinking thing to actually get it to work. After 4 times, I went to Verizon and got a new phone..... and got the one I wanted!!!! I am LOVING it!!!
2. Today at Walmart I got a new cd!!! :) I really enjoy Jason Mraz, so I bought his cd!! I am done with a guy telling me what to do. I am my own person 100% now. I am going to enjoy it. Yeah!!!!

So, not as bad as you thought at first, I am sure...... haha, gotta keep everyone on their toes. :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sharing time!

So, as I am sitting here writing in my journal, I thought- hm.... why don't I share?! Haha, so here you go:
Life has a funny way of making you realize your imperfections. Today was utterly gorgeous- the sun was shining, hardly any clouds in the sky.
Why don't I notice the glory and wonder of life more often? I get too absorbed in the silly day-to-day stuff. I have been blessed with wonderful eyes- to see Heavenly Father's magnificent creations all around me, ears to hear wonderful music and laughter, and nose- to smell all the wonderful (and at times, not so wonderful) smells all around me.
How blessed am I? I am just amazed. Words can't express how blessed I feel to be able to experience it all.
So- there you have it- a little peek into my brain at the moment! Scared?! I would be! Haha, no, I think going through what I am going through has almost reawakened my sense of life. At least that is what I am telling myself. If I'm going nuts, just don't tell me! ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ah, independence!

I forgot to add a couple stories that I have experienced since becoming independent! The duplex I moved into has no closet, so my brother suggested I get a chin up bar (since those are used to holding very manly men!) to hang my clothes on. I thought it was a marvelous idea and would be super easy to accomplish. So, I got one from Walmart and broke out my awesome new drill. Well- halfway through the drill bit FROZE! I started to pull the drill back out, but the drillbit decided it wanted to stay put in the wall. What a lovely drill bit! I then tried to pull it out with my hand...... and it BROKE! If you look closely, the bottom left- you will see the tidbit that stayed behind. I tried to drill a screw in, and lo and behold, that got stuck as well. Long story short- thanks to a guy in my ward who had a bigger, more powerful drill- I was able to finally hang my clothes up and get them off of my dining room table. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Happy day!

Second story- I got a little pantry to go in my kitchen and proceeded to put it together. I was SO proud of myself because it was going so quickly. I finally nailed 38 TINY nails onto the back to hold it in place and realized- I had put all 3 shelves in the wrong spots!!!! Can we say- pride cometh before the fall!!! So, I had to pry ALL 38 tiny nails off of the back and take it all apart again.......

I have to say, I am not quite as handy as I liked to think of myself. But, what can you do?! Haha, maybe next time I won't pray for patience! ;)